How I Work

I tend to work from life, making initial sketches which are later worked up into finished pieces. I use a black biro or pen and colour up with a handy set of stacked watercolour paints bought from the Tate shop. Sometime I’ll be happy with the sketch but it just won’t work as a painting and I’ll use artistic license if needed once I’ve got going on the canvas. I generally use Cryla acrylic paints which are good and opaque and thicker than others.
Occasionally I’ll use oils.
I draw in sketch books or on pieces of photocopying paper attached to a hot pink clipboard if I’m out and about. My sketchbooks live in both of my studios and are ideal to flick through if I’m struggling for ideas, however this is rare as I can’t get through a day without seeing something I’m keen to paint!

Using my non dominant hand for the script

My striped tablecloth appears frequently in my work!